How to Improve Your Website Speed

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Website speed is much important now a days. And check here in this article how to improve the website speed of your site.

Page loading speed is more vital now than it’s ever been, as the rising number of mobile devices makes a speedy site not just “nice to have” but absolutely essential.

Page load speed has always been an important consideration when creating websites. But as more consumers are spending time researching products and services on mobile devices, they want to be able to complete tasks and make purchases quickly. A fast site is a key part of that. But how fast does your website need to be? And what’s the impact on your bottom line? In this article, we look at these questions and try to find some answers with our deep dive into website speed.

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Page Speed Benchmarks


First, let’s cover the basics. When we talk about website speed, we’re really talking about load time, which is how quickly you can get the information on your server rendered correctly on a user’s device. Load times are measured in seconds and milliseconds. According to Google, if pages have a loading time of more than one second it damages the user experience. Google admits that a sub-one second page load time is a massive goal, and the variety of network types and speeds for accessing mobile content makes the issue more acute.

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How Fast is Your Site?


Before you can improve your site’s load time, you need to establish how fast it actually is. Fortunately, there are free tools available that help with this. Google Developers offers a website tool that includes information about where your site speed is good or bad, broken out between mobile and desktop. Just plug in your URL and you get a quick assessment of how your site loads both on mobile and desktop interfaces.

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It uses a simple traffic light system so you can see how your site is doing and provides recommendations for areas you should fix or should consider fixing. Along with this, you get a snapshot of how your site will look on a typical mobile device, which allows you to address areas like menus and logos that take up too much space. Google’s mobile help site also provides a number of tips on improving the mobile experience to help you reach the goal of a one second page load.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]This includes:

  • reducing server response time
  • cutting down on redirects
  • minimizing the number of TCP calls
  • avoiding external or non-asynchronous script, and
  • keeping pages simple.

Using these tools, you can determine your site’s load time. Which takes us to our next step — finding out how fast it should be. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]

How Fast Does Your Site Need to Be?


The speed you should aim to achieve depends in part on what sort of site you have and what page you’re loading. Take, for instance, an ecommerce site. Generally for ecommerce, the page users land on first need to load much faster than the final pages of the buying process. That’s because visitors willingness to stay on a site increases along with their investment in that site.

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What is slowing down your site?

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Simply, the longer someone is on your site (say, completing a purchase), the more willing they are to stay, and less likely to be affected by load speed. The best way to determine how fast your page should be is to look generally at what other sites are doing. After all, it is a user’s experience across the internet as a whole that sets their expectations for what is fast and slow. Moz pulled together some data on this and this is what they found:

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[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]For your highly trafficked pages, any landing pages, and any internal pages that attract an unusual amount of inbound traffic, we’d recommend aiming to be in the top 10% of pages on the internet, with a load time of about 1 second. This correlates with a finding that half of all web users expect a site to load in 2 seconds or less. Of course, these guidelines should not be taken as law because a number of other factors play into the importance of load times. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]

Harness The Direct Booking Power of A Speedy Hotel Website

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If you have qualified traffic landing on your site, for example, an internal page is ranking well for a recurring long tail keyword search, load times are less important because users are pre-qualified – they’ve specifically sought out your page. They’ll likely wait an extra second or more for it to load. On the other hand, site speed is absolutely critical for traffic where the user is poised to click away. This would include highly unqualified traffic, like traffic from PPC ads (especially if you’re bidding on keywords). Which brings us to the question of: what’s it going to cost you?

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How Much Will a Slow Load Time Cost You?


As we have seen, that depends on a number of factors. But there is a pretty clear relationship between load time and bounce. Google recently published a report showing the likelihood of abandonment the longer someone has to wait:

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”] [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]This makes perfect sense – the more time users spend waiting, the more likely they are to leave. This is also visualized in the following graph from KISS Metrics: [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]

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This is especially true on mobile networks, where load times are longer due to lower quality network connection. It’s hard to put a dollar value on this relationship, but Amazon tried back in 2007. With A/B testing, they found that every 100 millisecond delay resulted in losing 1% of sales. Another study in 2013 found that splitting load times in half from 15 to 7 seconds, and then again from 7 to 4, and so on, improved conversions, but had diminishing returns.

And finally, yet another survey from and found that a 1 second delay in load time would lead to a 7% drop in productivity. Obviously, the dollar value of these statistics is going to be different for everyone, but if you think about other techniques to optimize websites where a gain of even half a percent is a huge success, it starts to put the importance of speed into perspective.

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How to Improve Website Loading Speed

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1. Link your own images


Hotlinking is when you display an image on your website by linking to the same image that’s on another site. It’s a technique that lets you have big, beautiful images on your site, but avoids storing them on your server space. The thing is, whenever a web browser wants to load your web page, it has to go to an external source to get the image. That means more DNS lookups, which is slow. It also means you’re consuming bandwidth from someone else’s site, and the owner of the image can swap it out for something else at their own discretion.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]And it happens all the time. It would be pretty embarrassing to have something like this show up on your homepage: Hosting your own images is an easy way to cut out external links. Other sources of multiple DNS look ups include:

  • Social share buttons
  • Embedded YouTube videos or Twitter feeds
  • Google Web Fonts

Less look ups mean a faster site, so stop hotlinking! [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]

2. Run PageSpeed Modules


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Google Developers very kindly has a whole section full of ideas for how you can speed up your website. One was is to install PageSpeed modules. PageSpeed modules are a series of modules that you can install for either Apache or Nginx that do a huge number of tiny tweaks to make each page on your site run faster. Each PageSpeed tweak is run as a filter, and you can turn these on and off as you see fit.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]PageSpeed filters help your site by:

  • Optimizing caching (e.g. outline CSS and JavaScript)
  • Minimizing round trips (e.g. CSS/JavaScript combining and flattening)
  • Minimizing request overhead (e.g. rewrite domains)
  • Prioritizing visual content (e.g. load above the fold stuff first)
  • Optimizing browser rendering (e.g. convert JPEG to progressive image loading)

PageSpeed modules provide a lot of technical speed boosts to your site in a really easy-to-implement way. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]

3. Reduce HTTP requests


80% of a web page’s load time is spent on HTTP requests. HTTP requests include web pages, pictures, and files – basically anything that’s stored on the server. Therefore, one of the best ways to reduce your load time is to cut out some HTTP requests. There are dozens of ways to do this, so we thought we’d cover some of the easiest.

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Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)


A CDN is a collection of servers spread all over the world. They speed your site in two ways.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]First, a CDN brings files closer to your user. For example, if your user is in Singapore and your servers are in Michigan, there’s going to be a big delay. But if you use a CDN, then it’s going to be like having a server in Singapore. Much faster. Second, CDNs shrink file sizes, so they load quicker. There are lots to join, but some of the most popular include CloudFlare, MaxCDN, Akamai (if you’re an enterprise company). [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]

How to improve your website connection speed in 2021

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Use keep-alive responses


HTTP requests generally work like this. The web browser requests some information, and then the server sends it. That’s one HTTP request. But what if you want 10 things? Normally the web browser would request individually 10 things as 10 unique HTTP requests. It’d be like making a list for the grocery store and going taking 10 individual trips, one for each item. Very inefficient. A keep-alive header lets you keep the connection between the server and the web browser open, so you can send files over all at once, speeding things along.

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4. Use a browser cache


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Browser caching is when you save static components to a browser for future use by marking how often they need to be updated. Imagine, for example, a company blog page. You can’t cache the content, since you change the words every day or week or whatever.

However, let’s say that you have a logo on the same page. You can cache the logo, since you only update it every couple of years. So you mark the logo, telling the browser that it only needs to check for updates maybe once a year. That way, when a user is loading your blog page, their browser already has the logo read to go, and can concentrate on loading other stuff like words and images.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]There are caching tools out there to help you, but a lot of it is going to come down to you maintaining your site manually. The good thing is that you’ll find a lot of stuff doesn’t change that often, so once you mark it, you can pretty much leave it. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”] [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]

5. Optimize your images

Humans are visual animals. So it’s no wonder that pictures have become a huge part of designing a website. Sadly, we often forget that the mobile networks have to download our big, beautiful hero images, which can spell disaster for load times. Fortunately, there are many ways you can streamline your pictures. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]

  • Size your images: when you upload an image (say, for a blog) the image is going to load to the largest possible size, and then resize to whatever it’s supposed to be. So if you upload a 1024×768 picture for an image that’s going to be resized to 300×200, it’s going to load all 1024×768 pixels of information before it resizes it. Upload the image you need.
  • Compress your images: most of your users won’t be able to tell the difference between a 100% image and a 70% image. But they will be able to tell the difference in load time. You can use the free tool to easily compress your images without losing quality.
  • Progressive rendering: we’re big fans. Give your users something to look at while they wait.

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Why You Should Improve Your Website Speed and How

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6. Make your pages smaller


We know, we know – users shouldn’t have to click more than three times (allegedly). But if you bring everything as close as possible to the user, you’re probably looking at fewer, larger web pages. And larger pages are slower. You want to think carefully about the trade-off of one more click and smaller pages. Something else to think about is the user experience of having giant, scrolling web pages that go on and on.

Shorter pieces that are more to the point might drive your site a little better than one mammoth pile of information. If your pages are exceptionally long, we suggest you revisit your information architecture and see where you can group content together. Remember: the ideal page size is about 30KB.

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7. Use animations and background videos wisely


Animations (including GIFs) can be used to explain something in a way pictures and words can’t, and background videos are fantastic for telling a story and engaging your users. We think both are great. But they’re expensive in terms of load time.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]Use them sparingly to save your site from getting bogged down. Also, make sure they have a natural stopping point. For your background video, have it stop so it’s just an image after 1-2 loops. Better yet, you can have your video play on desktop but appear as a still image on mobile. For your GIFs and animations, a few loops should be plenty to get your point across. These are big ticket items for load time, so spend carefully. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]

8. Minimize your font selection


Every time you use a custom font – or even one of Google’s – it’s going to increase your load time. System fonts are fastest, but obviously these aren’t right for everyone. If you do opt for a custom font or a web font, try and reduce the variety of fonts and weights that you use.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]Also, pick one library and stick with it. For example, if you do decide to go for Google Fonts, then stick with that. Sure, it’s going to increase your load time vs a system font, since the web browser has to complete more DNS look-ups. But for each new font you add from Google Fonts, the speed difference is negligible. However, if you decide to combine fonts from two sources – for example, Google and Typekit –then that’s now more DNS look-ups the web browser has to make. The result is a slower load time. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default” custom_padding=”0px|||||”]

9. Simplify, simplify, simplify


Don’t get caught in the ‘look at all the cool stuff I can do’ trap. No one cares that your layout is the most creative ground-breaking use of CSS ever. Does it help the user? If not, then cut it. You need to be ruthless when you’re evaluating your website. Every animation, embedded video, social share, picture, and advertisement need to be critically examined for how it helps the user.

Look at Quick Sprout’s blog for a fantastic example. It’s simple. It’s basic. There are some images, there are some links, and there are some screenshots. But every single element is obviously there to help the user. Their austerity gets results– the Quick Sprout blog loads crazy-fast.

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Website Page Speed: Why It Matters and How to Improve It

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10. Cut out useless plugins


Plugins are so easy to implement that we tend to forget that they’re really quite heavy. Technically, it’s because the plugins have to make multiple calls to various servers, and that takes a while. It’s like if you had to go to the supermarket for 10 things, but could only take one thing at a time. So while they’re good to have, think carefully about each and every one.

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11. Personalize with caution


Most personalization – featuring products that someone’s looked at before, recommended products, a customized home page etc. – requires a database lookup, which is going to take some time. It’s a small change, but again, over time these changes add up, so think carefully before you add that detail to your page.

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12. Evaluate your responsive design


Before you start battering down the doors, we
are big fans of responsive designIt’s a great way to get a killer mobile experience while maintaining only one body of content. However, there is a flipside: namely, that there’s lots of extra code and technical weight that drags down load speed.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”] Responsive sites are almost always slower than their mobile counterparts, which again is going to be a problem for e-commerce companies. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]

13. Fix your internal pages


As David Hsieh recently pointed out in a webinar, social media and other referrals mean that it’s not all about home page optimization anymore. Increasingly, users are bypassing homepages and ending up deep in a site, landing on blog pages or product pages. So optimization needs to extend all the way through the site, rather than be a front-loaded all-out effort on your home page or landing page

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  • Reduce your DNS lookups for a faster site. Do this by hosting your own images, cutting social share buttons, and embedding fewer YouTube videos.
  • Use Google PageSpeed modules for Apache and Nginx to make your site load faster.
  • Reduce the number of HTTP requests with a CDN and keep-alive responses
  • Cache as much as you can.
  • Images are a major drag on your website speed. Make sure they’re sized, compressed, and progressively render for the best speed and user experience.
  • Split your long pages into smaller pieces for better load times. The ideal web page size is 30KB.
  • Using animations and background videos sparingly.
  • Minimize how many different fonts/font weights you use, and minimize your font sources. System fonts are exempt.
  • Simplify everything from plugins, to personalization, to your mobile experience.

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How To Improve Wix Website Speed Under 20 Minutes?

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Ultimately, there’s no absolute figure for how fast you should be. Google says we should all be aiming for a one-second page load, which would put your site in the top 10% of sites on the web. B But speed can also be seen as relative. That is, it doesn’t matter how fast you are so long as you’re fast enough for your user. For example, a blog about different types of duck feather duvets, or something else equally niche, might tolerate a slower load time due to more qualified users seeking them out. Likewise, a site relying heavily on keyword-driven PPC instead of long tail SEO would likely need a faster load time for its less qualified users. What we do know is that over half of all users require a site to load in two seconds or fewer or they’ll leave, and both Walmart and Amazon have reported that faster load times have had a direct impact on their conversion rates. [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_post_slider posts_number=”5″ include_categories=”2″ bg_overlay_color=”#0C71C3″ _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”][/et_pb_post_slider][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_social_media_follow _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default” text_orientation=”center”][et_pb_social_media_follow_network social_network=”facebook” url=”” _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default” background_color=”#3b5998″ follow_button=”off” url_new_window=”on”]facebook[/et_pb_social_media_follow_network][et_pb_social_media_follow_network social_network=”twitter” url=”″ _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default” background_color=”#00aced” follow_button=”off” url_new_window=”on”]twitter[/et_pb_social_media_follow_network][et_pb_social_media_follow_network social_network=”linkedin” url=”” _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default” background_color=”#007bb6″ follow_button=”off” url_new_window=”on”]linkedin[/et_pb_social_media_follow_network][et_pb_social_media_follow_network social_network=”instagram” url=”” _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default” background_color=”#ea2c59″ follow_button=”off” url_new_window=”on”]instagram[/et_pb_social_media_follow_network][/et_pb_social_media_follow][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

Improve Website Speed using WebP image format from Google

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Using WebP image format can reduce the image file size to more than 50% comparing with other image file type. For websites that using many images, using WebP image format will certainly boost the websites speed performance.
I also do some experiment to convert JPG and PNG images to WebP format. This JPG and PNG images I took by saving images from Media Player Classic (K-lite bundle), I don’t know anything about image compression or image format. To convert images to WebP,  I am using ffmpeg command line for Windows, and the result is:

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PNG and JPG to WebP conversion reduce more than 60% in file size

Another experiment, I’ve done with this website by changing all the posts images to WebP format. Fortunately, all images from this website posts are hosted in Google (bp.blogspot, ggpht,lh?.googleusercontent) and can be converted to WebP image format just by modifying the image url address. The result?

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Before converting images to WebP format

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Harness The Direct Booking Power of A Speedy Hotel Website

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After converting images to WebP format

In this experiment I am using Google PageSpeed Insight both Mobile and Desktop and the famous GTmetrix to test the website performance before and after conversion. The most significant thing I really impressed is the boost improvement in loading time (GTmetrix), it is almost a half from before conversion to WebP. Another thing is the Total page size, it is decrease more than 300KB, 25% smaller than before.
Unfortunately for now, WebP image format is not supported by all browsers yet. But most modern and widely used browsers already support WebP format. I’ve read some articles explaining about using a fallback image for browsers that doesn’t support WebP format. That will be my next experiment . Check this Blogspot Image to WebP Lazy Loading Converter.
Anyway, if you are using blogspot and have your images hosted on, you can try the trick from this video below to convert your images to WebP format by modifying url address and improve your blogspot website speed performance.

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Harness The Direct Booking Power of A Speedy Hotel Website

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Hotel Website Speed: How It Matters


Having a hotel website is essential for attracting guests and allowing them to book conveniently.
Without it your target audience won’t even know your business exists and your cost of acquisition will be high.
Although the overall aesthetic is important, it’s not all about how your website looks. Site speed can sometimes be overlooked when a business draws up plans for a new hotel website.

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There is little point in spending thousands on design and SEO to attract guests if their first experience of your site is an irritating wait or an unresponsive page.
Browsers won’t wait 5-10 seconds for the page to load, instead they are likely to exit and visit your competitor’s hotel website.

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Early in 2020, Google announced it was making changes to its algorithm so that page speed will be added as one of the ranking signals.
In 2021, Google will be doubling down with the introduction of Core Web Vitals (CWVs).
The new CWVs consist of a list of technical SEO metrics including three new ways to think about and measure page speed.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]Google’s main priority is to provide your audience with the best content along with a great (fast) experience. 

The benefits of a speedy site are numerous, including increased engagement, lower bounce rate, and ultimately increased revenue.
The higher the speed, the higher the conversion. 
Let’s take a look at some of the main factors which affect site speed and how they can be optimised.

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Website Page Speed: Why It Matters and How to Improve It

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This is the time it takes your site to begin to respond to the page request.

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There are many factors that will dictate how quickly your server responds but some of the most critical are:
  • Hardware resources available to your application (include hosting infrastructure): This refers to everything from the server’s processor speed to its network connection. It’s important that your host gets this right.


  • Server site caching: Using a site cache will provide greatly increased performance. Instead of having to query your database or external web services for data every time a page is requested, the cache temporarily holds page data so that content can be quickly loaded again as required.


  • Database optimization: There are many ways of optimizing your database for fast reads. By doing so, you speed up the loading time for your site as a whole not just the page the browser currently displays. An experienced database administrator can go much deeper into the optimization process but there are often some quick wins which can deliver huge gains.

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Your web browser is a software application which also has a cache. As this application searches, identifies and shows us the websites your browser cache will save information, data, and images.
You can leverage browser caching by configuring your server to attach an expiry date to each resource (image page, stylesheet, etc).
The next time the browser requires it, it will check the local cache to see if the resource is within date. If so, it uses the local copy and there is no need to pull data from the server.

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How to improve your website connection speed in 2021

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Over time more content will be added to your site. This will inevitably include photos and images which may not have been sized correctly.
These large files can use enormous amounts of bandwidth and often lead to an undesirable lag in page load speed, especially on mobile devices.
Resizing and optimizing images appropriately can reduce the image file size, and therefore loading times, by as much as 95% without any observable loss in quality.
There are many easy-to-use tools available for download online that will compress, resize, and optimize your images.

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How to Improve Website Loading Speed

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When your web page begins to load it may display the header, then pause before loading the rest of the page.
This pause may be due to an issue called render blocking of the scripts. The site is having to load style and theme instructions before it can display the content.

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The key takeaway here is that to the user it looks like your site has stopped loading. The more blocking scripts you have, the worse things look.
Good coding practice and techniques such as deferring script loading until the above-the-fold content has been displayed can minimize any delays.

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As with any of the issues described in this article the key is to be aware of speed issues which on their own may not be a problem but when compounded can cause severe problems which will lead to higher bounce rates, less conversions and lower rankings from Google.
It is one of the reasons why working with a specialist agency such as Aró is so important. Every detail matters when there is a need for speed.

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How to improve your website connection speed in 2021

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Out of many performance metrics, one which matters the most is Time To First Byte (TTFB). If TTFB is worse, then it is guaranteed to be a poor performing website connection. TTFB depends upon many factors. One very critical factor is server connection which happens after DNS resolution. I will discuss how to optimize server connection speed in this article. We will look into how TLS 1.3 and HTTP/3 improves website  performance. We will also look into other optimization possibilities like ECC certificates and OCSP stapling.

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 Insecure (HTTP) tends to be faster than secure (HTTPS) connections because of the encryption overhead in HTTPS. The difference becomes insignificant as more data processing happens.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]If security is not a concern and performance is supercritical then using HTTP can give some performance gain. I will not recommend doing this because of the following reasons.
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  1. Browsers are getting more and more restrictive towards HTTP. Firefox released HTTPS-Only Mode in version 83.
  2. Chrome planning to assign an insecure badge to sites not using HTTPS. This will be very bad for branding.
  3. The performance gain will be very insignificant in front of the security issues and losing the user’s trust.
  4. Using a mix of HTTP and HTTPS can open security loopholes for the encrypted requests as well.

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How to improve HTTPS performance?

 Making a secure connection to the server is a tedious task. Client and Server both go through numerous steps before start sharing data with each other.

Transport Layer Security(TLS) is an encryption protocol used to encrypt and decrypt data over HTTP protocol. Both HTTP and TLS have come a long way to provide more secure and performant server connections.

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TLS 1.2 vs TLS 1.3

 TLS 1.2 which was released in 2008 has served the web for a very long time. It has few security and performance issues which were taken care of in the new shiny TLS 1.3.

TLS 1.3 is well supported in all major browsers and as per data, more than 90% of the users have TLS 1.3 support

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]TLS 1.3 comes with lots of improvements from its previous versions. It dropped support for many weaker encryption algorithms. Tries to achieve perfect forward secrecy, which is a process of changing key for each session so that a compromised key will not affect other sessions.

For performance, TLS 1.3 made two major changes over TLS 1.2
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  • Dropped a complete one round trip to establish a server connection.

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  • Zero Round Trip Time (0-RTT)

0-RTT reduces one more round trip for repeat users by using the previously captured information during the initial connection. 0-RTT is prone to replay attacks which can be solved with proper precautions.

Because of the security issues with 0-RTT, It is not well supported in major browsers and servers.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]TLS 1.3 is supported in all major browsers and servers. It also has out of the box support in a few CDN’s like Akamai and Cloudflare.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]TLS 1.3 is supported in all major browsers and servers. It also has out of the box support in a few CDN’s like Akamai and Cloudflare.
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Website Page Speed: Why It Matters and How to Improve It

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How to make the most out of HTTP/2

 HTTP/2 was a major upgrade over its previous version. It has many optimization features that can significantly boost web performance.

The major focus on HTTP/2 design was to make full use of available network bandwidth. It multiplexes requests on a single connection. Browser’s limit around the number of parallel requests on a domain is not valid on HTTP/2. There is no need to create multiple domains to bypass browser restrictions on parallel requests on a single domain.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]HTTP/2 released server push where the server can send multiple responses for a single request. It was a great idea as in most cases webpages are aware of what will be the next request. Server push has the limitation that it is not aware of browser cache and can send data even when It can be served from the browser cache. There are workarounds but they are not very reliable and tough to put in place.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]Server push was not very well adopted because of its limitations. In November 2020 browsers and servers planned to remove support for server push.

By enabling HTTP/2 most of its features are out of the box available without doing anything.
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Whatso- The Original WhatsApp Marketing Software

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  • One connection per domainConclusion

In HTTP/2 messages are broken into frames and sent over the network stream. This makes multiplexing of requests possible on a single domain. This means only one connection is required for a domain to transfer all data.

The above statement is not fully correct. There are edge cases where multiple connections are required on the same domain. HTTP/2 session reuse does not happen across credentialed and uncredentialed requests. Fonts will always create a new connection as they are downloaded as an uncredentialed request.

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  • Headers compression

Every request has some metadata associated with it. Headers are one such metadata. In previous versions, headers are passed as plain text which sometimes occupies a few KBs of the request payload. In HTTP/2 headers are compressed using the HPACK algorithm.
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How To Improve Wix Website Speed Under 20 Minutes?

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  • head-of-line blocking

HTTP/1.x has the limitation that responses can be received only one after another. This causes responses to queue and waits for their turn before usage.

In HTTP/2 this got fixed because of the multiplexing approach. The response is ready for consumption as soon as it completes.

HTTP/2 fixes head-of-line blocking when receiving the response but It still has another kind of head-of-line blocking which is fixed in HTTP/3 protocol.
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Prepare for the new hotness HTTP/3

 All HTTP protocols before HTTP/3 uses TCP for communication as it was more reliable. TCP ensures to send an acknowledgment for every packet and guarantees packet order. This makes request and response very reliable at the cost of some performance limitations.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]HTTP/2 faces head-of-line blocking on the unreliable network when a packet fails to deliver. This is because of how TCP works. If a packet fails than all subsequent packets even from other request needs to wait as they are part of a single multiplex connection. This becomes serious as HTTP/2 multiplex many requests and all get blocked because of a single packet failure.

let we have 3 responses A, B, and C each consists of 5 data packets 1 to 5.
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[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]In HTTP/2, if the B1 packet fails then all A, B, and C responses will fail to deliver.

In HTTP/3, if the B1 packet fails only the B response will block, and the rest A and C will deliver as expected.

HTTP/3 solves this HTTP/2 issue of head-of-line blocking by using UDP instead of TCP.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]On a reliable network, HTTP/3 might not have any benefit over HTTP/2 but on an unreliable network (like a mobile network) HTTP/3 will shine.

HTTP/3 does not have very good browser support for now. Chrome support for HTTP/3 will land in version 85. Server-side support is also improving. Nginx and Node have already released HTTP/3.
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Elliptical Curve Cryptography(ECC) Certificates

Certificate Authority(CA) issues domain certificates to individuals and organizations after proper verification. The verification steps can differ from one CA to another. Free CA like letsencrypt have very basic verification steps while paid services like DigiCert have more robust verification steps.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]CA provides different kinds of certificates based on the verification steps and support for different encryption algorithms. For some certificates browsers mentions the organization name with the secure badge, this adds more trust to the customers.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]One very secure and fast algorithm is elliptical curve cryptography (ECC). ECC certificates provide strong security and fast encryption and decryption. The speed of encryption/decryption depends upon the size of the key and mathematical computation around it. ECC certificates have both of them in the limit. When the RSA key size starts from 1024 bit, the ECC key size starts from 160 bit.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]For your next certificate prefer to buy an ECC certificate over others.

Do not forget to check browser support for the ECC certificate. It is not very well supported in legacy browsers like IE11
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Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

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Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) stapling

Browsers download a certificate from the server and to verify the authenticity of the certificate it recursively downloads certificates used to sign the current one until finds the root certificate.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]To avoid this entire process server can query the OCSP responder. OCSP responder is the Certificate Authority server which provides a digital signature to verify the certificate. The server can cache the query response and now the browser will have to only verify the CA signature.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]OCSP stapling has good server and browser support but the most popular AWS ELB and ALB lack behind in OCSP stapling support.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]OCSP stapling has good server and browser support but the most popular AWS ELB and ALB lack behind in OCSP stapling support.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]OCSP stapling has good server and browser support but the most popular AWS ELB and ALB lack behind in OCSP stapling support.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]OCSP stapling has good server and browser support but the most popular AWS ELB and ALB lack behind in OCSP stapling support.
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  1. Prefer to use TLS 1.3 for strong and fast encryption and decryption of data over the network.
  2. Prepare for HTTP/3 It will be around the corner in the next few months.
  3. Prefer ECC certificates they are fast and more secure than RSA or SHA based algorithms.
  4. OCSP stapling is a very simple and effective web performance optimization.

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Website Page Speed: Why It Matters and How to Improve It

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default” custom_padding=”||61px|||”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]The road to high website ranking is paved with all manner of things that can both accelerate performance and act as speed bumps along the way. Of the myriad factors that can bolster page ranking, website page speed is something of an SEO hot potato right now – especially with Google’s recent announcement that website page speed will also influence page ranking in mobile searches earlier this year.

But how exactly does website page speed affect search rankings and why does it matter? And, if a website is particularly sluggish, what can be done to improve its pace and enhance its potential to rank highly in page searches? With Banc’s know-how of technical SEO, we’ll answer this triad of enquiries over the course of this very article.
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How does page speed affect search rankings?


First off, it’s worth noting that Google may measure Time to First Byte (TFFB) when it considers page speed, i.e. the duration of time from the user’s browser making a HTTP request to the first byte of information that’s returned by the server. It’s a matter of milliseconds usually, but Google feels it necessary to begin measuring website page speed at this point. In fact, the tech giant conducted a study that showed slowing down the search results page by 100 to 400 milliseconds – a trifling amount by anyone’s watch – had a noticeable impact on the number of searches per user. According to Google, your website’s TTFB should be 200 milliseconds or less.
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Whatso- The Original WhatsApp Marketing Software

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]From a UX perspective, a website with a higher TTFB can be an annoyance. The slower the page and longer its load time, the more likely it is that a page’s bounce rate (the percentage of visitors that navigate away from the site after viewing only one page) will increase. The lower average time on page and longer TTFB are taken into consideration by Google, which can negatively affect your website’s SERP rank as a result. A good user experience often translates to higher conversions and thus, higher page rankings – it’s that simple. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]And in the world of UX, patience is not a virtue; users do not like to be kept waiting when it comes to page speed. Almost half of users want pages to load within a maximum of two seconds, and even a 1-second delay on load speed can reduce conversions by around 7%. Does a particular page on your site load for longer than 4 seconds? Studies have shown that 75% users won’t return to a page if they’re kept waiting longer than this. The gulf between a page taking two seconds to load and one loading at twice that time may as well be a Grand Canyon-esque chasm. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_image src=”×450-1.jpg” alt=”website page speed” title_text=”website page speed” _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”][/et_pb_image][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]

Why does this matter?


With Google looking to make the web more mobile-friendly, mobile-first indexing is just around the corner. “What’s mobile-first indexing?” we hear you ask. It’s fairly simple. It means that the mobile version of your website becomes the starting point for what Google includes in their index, using it as the baseline for how they determine rankings on both mobiles and desktop. As a result, the importance of website page speed increases accordingly. If your site doesn’t have a mobile equivalent, the desktop site can still be included.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]However, the lack of a mobile experience could negatively affect rankings on desktop, whereas a good mobile experience serves to boosts ranking even for searchers on a desktop. Think of it like this: the mobile version acts as the primary version of your website. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]

How to improve your website page speed


Tools such as Lighthouse, Pagespeed Insights, GTMetrix and WebPageTest allow us to glean information on how pages are loaded, providing us with valuable insights on how to reduce page speed in the process. Using insights from the tools above, you can get an idea of what needs to boost the speed of your web pages.

Here are some of the most common ways to reduce load times and improve page speeds
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How To Improve Wix Website Speed Under 20 Minutes?

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  • Leverage browser caching – Browsers such as Chrome, Firefox and Edge cache large amounts of information like Javascript files, stylesheets and images, so when a user revisits a site, it doesn’t have to reload the entire page. By setting an expiry date within the HTTP header, it allows us to control how long we want information to be cached.
  • Improve server response time – Server response times tend to be affected by the amount of traffic a site receives, the resources each page uses, the software the server uses and the hosting solutions being used. To improve this, further research into how the server is performing may be necessary, clearing up any issues with slow routing or slow databases in order to clarify if these affect website page speed.
  • Enable compression – CSS and Javascript files can sometimes cause a large load time, and more so for big inline individual files being used on a site. By compressing these files into one chunk, the overall size of these files gets pared down and the load time decreases as a result.
  • Use a content distribution network (CDN) – CDNs, such as Cloudflare, are networks of servers that are used to distribute the load of delivering content. Essentially, copies of a site are stored at a range of geographically diverse data centres so that users have faster and more reliable access to a given site

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How to speed up your web app and improve website performance

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  • Optimise images – The size and file format of images used on a site can adversely slow it down. Sometimes this is because of extra data embedded in the comments or a lack of compression. Newer, next-gen image types, like WebP, JPEG 2000 and JPEG XR, can reduce the size of files in a big way.
  • Miscellaneous factors – A cluttered page will only serve to clog up your site’s page loads, so be mindful of any superfluous features which might be responsible. External embedded media, like videos, might look great and serve a purpose but can increase load times. Likewise, plugins and apps, when used on unoptimized browsers, can drastically slow down your page speed. Consider the use of widgets; are they helpful or just window dressing that may be negatively impacting your page?

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[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]Optimization of site performance is a big deal. It involves multiple aspects to take care of and many of them depend on the site itself, its complexity and elements. However, there is also a set of common optimization methods that work for any site. So if you don’t know where to start or have not identified the pain points yet, you can try the best practices that we’ll have a look at below. So here is the blog about speed up the web app.
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1. Integrate CDN


Content Delivery Network (aka CDN) is an awesome tool to integrate into your site as it can greatly speed up the content delivery for you. Because it is a network of distributed servers, a CDN locates the server that is the nearest to the user and deploys it to deliver content. In this way, the content goes a shorter way and provides a much better user experience.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”] [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]In addition to speeding up content delivery, many CDNs come with a bunch of other features that improve the site performance: image optimization, minifying CSS, code restructuring. The only possible flaw of integrating a CDN is the cost but, considering all the potential benefits, it will most probably be worth it. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]

2. Compress your files for speed up web app


How many files do you think are there on your website? Probably, a lot. And every file takes some time to load.

The thing is, the bigger the file is, the longer it will load. As a result, the site loads in a horribly slow manner and annoys the users. To resolve the problem of big bulky files, compress them and enjoy the faster performance!

For file compression, we recommend using the Gzip tool, as one of the most trusted out there. Gzip claims to reduce the file size by up to 70% and brings significant improvements to the performance.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”] [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]There are numerous ways to enable Gzip and they will depend on your site. For example, you can either enable Gzip in .htaccess file or simply use plugins. For proper Gzip installation, consult your developers. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]

3. Use lazy loading


Every website contains a certain number of media files (i.e. images, videos, audio files) and the loading of each element takes quite a while. While compression is one of the best methods to battle this problem, there is one more way to boost media file loading and deliver a better user experience.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”] [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]The lazy loading design pattern makes the media file load only when it enters the viewpoint of the user. That means, when the user opens a page, it will not load all media files at once but only those that are on top of the page. And, as the user scrolls down, the page will load more files.

This technique greatly saves the bandwidth and, at the same time, provides a seamless user experience. Lazy loading also gets rid of unnecessary code execution and cuts down the memory usage. You can also separate your code in different bundles so that different pages contain only chunks of the code. In this way, the browser will load only those pieces of code where the user is at. And this will improve the speed of web app.
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Can Facebook Help Promote Your Construction Company

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4. Minify CSS and JavaScript


When your site downloads a JavaScript or CSS file, an HTTP request is sent to the server. The more requests are sent, the slower the performance gets. To battle the issue, you can combine and minify your files to reduce the number of HTTP requests and thus, improve the performance.

Minifying includes the elimination of whitespaces, unnecessary lines of code or line breaks. To perform this procedure, use one of the available plugins like WP Rocket or WillPeavy. And is improve the speed of web app.
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5. Optimize the database for speed up web app


Database optimization may be the bottleneck of your site performance. While there are many aspects to focus on, the most common ones are:

  • MySQL queries optimization: use tools like EverSQL Query Optimizer to fine-tune the MySQL queries and also get useful recommendations,
  • Indexing: the method allows for faster row selection and sorting,
  • Memory capacity: if there is not enough memory, it will slow down the performance so you might want to look for a more powerful hosting solution.

Note that database optimization will depend on your site too. For some websites (i.e. e-commerce platforms), there are unique issues to deal with so you need to perform an audit first to identify all the problem areas that call for optimization. And will speed up the web app.
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How To Improve Wix Website Speed Under 20 Minutes?

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6. Get rid of blocking JavaScript


One of the most common issues for many websites is the render-blocking JavaScript file. To deal with the problem, you can do the following:

  • Inline the external locking scripts in the HTML document
  • Use special plugins (i.e. W3 Total Cache)
  • Use the async attribute to make the JavaScript file asynchronous

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7. Enable caching


Every time the user lands on the page, the browser will load its content – and it will do so every time a new query appears. Now, can you imagine how many users visit your site every day and how many times the browser has to load the content of the page?

To prevent the site from loading the same content for the returning users and to save some time on loading, enable browser caching. As for the new users, the site will still load the content from scratch as new users have an empty cache. Nevertheless, full browser caching can boost the site speed from 2.6 ms to 1 (or even 0.9) so it’s highly recommended to use it. Will speed up the web app.
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How is WhatsApp marketing done?

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8. A quick case: Gatsby


One of the key requirements for modern websites is the quality of performance. The speed of site loading has an impact on the users’ behavior: whether they will stay on the site or leave it.

There are many tools for creating static websites. We chose Gatsby for one of our projects and the final product turned out to be a really high-quality and well-performing site.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”] [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]Gatsby is a static site generator. The framework uses preliminary loading: when the user opens the homepage, the browser, acting in the background mode, loads the data that is needed to display the other pages of the site that are linked to the homepage. A website built with Gatsby is a React application so it loads only the data about the difference between the pages and not the page in full. During the transitioning between the pages, the virtual DOM is updated. In this way, the user enjoys a high speed of loading and smooth website performance. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]Gatsby also supports PWA and this is the reason the websites built on Gatsby can run in offline mode. As well, the PWAs can be installed on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. And will speed up the web app.

For better performance optimization, Gatsby uses its native React component called gatsby-image. As well, Gatsby utilizes different plugins that do the following:

  • Adjustment of the loaded image size to the screen resolution
  • Lazy loading: minimizes bandwidth and speeds up the initial loading time
  • Use WebP compressed images

Gatsby is a really convenient tool for creating modern websites with almost immediate loading, support of PWA and work in offline mode.
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How To Improve Wix Website Speed Under 20 Minutes?

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What is Wix?

Building your own website is nothing new in 2021. Creating a website 20 years ago would be such a big deal as it was a multi-step operation. You need to gather customer’s requirement (i.e: research website goals), planning, designing, developing, testing, and maintenance.

Today, building a custom website from a framework is a luxury as it is very expensive and it takes a long time due to its nature of multi-step operation. We have started to see the trend of building a website using a website builder since 2013. We have approximately over 50 website builders altogether, and Wix is the number one website builders following by Webflow, Editor X, Squarespace, Shopify, Elementor, etc.

Wix has the most active user to this day, more than 180 million users in 190 countries. Many people choose website builder like Wix over WordPress and custom website simply because of its ease of use. Wix is super easy to use and anyone can build a free website with Wix. However, due to its easy customizibility, people tend to put many unnecessary features that Wix offers, in which slow their website speed down. How can you improve the website speed?

Update: The methods used in this article can be appplied to any other website builders out there, and certainly is Editor X.

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Why is website speed important?

Website speed has relatively high impact on website SEO. When your website takes too long to load, users tend to click back. Hence, your high Bounce Rate. Google assesses your page speed and rank you in the search engine, the faster your site loads, the higher the rank.

In this article, Socialectric will show you the top 5 important steps that you can use to improve your Wix website speed (or any website speed)! But first, make sure you test your Wix website with Wix Website Speed Test to see how good/bad your site speed is. If your website can loads around 3 seconds, then you’re all good. You can also use SpeedTest tool to test your local Internet.

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Important: Wix uses a Content Delivery Network which is an interconnected system of cache servers in different geographical locations. Web content is delivered from the closest cache server. This system allows your site to load faster.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]Wix currently tests and offers support for the following mobile devices and browsers:

Supported operating systems on mobile devices

iPhone: iOS 12 and above (iPhone 6 and above)

Android: 9.0 and above

Supported browsers on mobiles devices

Google Chrome  | Safari

“You should keep in mind that some design decisions, which seemingly enhance visitor experience may affect your page loading time. Having said that, there are ways to optimize the usage of these features to create a stunning looking and high performing site.” – Wix
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Why You Should Improve Your Website Speed and How

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Test Wix Sites with GTMetrix

GTMetrix is a website performance analytics tool, powered by Lighthouse, delivering page performance test results that better reflect the user’s perception of how fast their websites are loading. Google Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for measuring the quality of web pages.

Whether you are using Wix or any other platforms, GTMetrix is currently the most popular website performance testing tool out there. It is free and their reports are very comprehensive and easy to follow.
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Steps to improve website speed

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1. High quality images

Wix offers automatic image optimization where you can upload a 25MB file size and Wix will resize the images for you on their end. However, we did not see much improvement on our Wixsite, so we took the matter into our own hand and optimize our images before uploading them to Wix server.

We use tinyjpg and tinypng to optimize our images. They will talk more about different image extension types later. You only need to upload your chosen images to them, and they will compress your images as small as possible but also keep its quality. Images that are typically under 300Kb seems to improve site speed significantly.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]Before you start modifying your images, make sure you’ve chosen the best file type. There are several types of files you can use:

  • PNG – produces higher quality, lossless, and transparent background images, but also has a larger file size
  • JPG – uses lossy and lossless optimization. You can adjust the quality level for a good balance of quality and file size
  • SVG – Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation. SVG image remains crisp and clear at any resolution or size

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How to Use WebP Images to Improve Website Speed

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]Take away:

  • Use PNG format when you want transparent images
  • If there is no need for transparent images, use JPG images for better compression (lower file size)
  • Image dimension should be cropped to fit designated image placeholder. There is no need to use a 4K image where the placeholder is only 200 px
  • Wix let you upload SVG (Illustration). Use this format for icons.

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2. Animations

‍We know that you or your clients want a super duper website with all these flashy animation on your texts and images. However, it is also the number one culprit that slow your website down.

If you want to make your website not as boring and still able to use animation, we suggest that you don’t add any animation on the above the fold (the section that loads first when your visitors come to your page) and only add one animation for every whole section (not different animation per line of text).

This way, you can optimize the page speed when your visitors first land on your homepage. When they scroll down, each section will animate to the screen which makes the website more interactive.

In late 2020, Wix released their new scroll animation that applies to strip background images.

Technical tips: Wix’s built-in animations are JavaScript presets that are added to your site when you choose an animation for an element. JavaScript breaths life to your design, but it is often heavy. Wix does not provide the option to minify your JavaScript so you have to be mindful of what you should add to avoid speed issues.
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How to Improve Website Speed – 5 Best Tips

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3. External applications

Wix store market has more than 300 web apps for you to choose. If you can’t find the right app for your needs, you can also modify the source code with Wix Velo (formerly known as Wix Corvid). However, one main thing with this is that you are risking losing your page speed.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]External applications don’t use Wix server, such as social media widgets, and they tend to eat up a lot of resources on your website. In addition, Wix caching also turns off when there is an unoptimized code (You can turn caching on automatically if you are a developer)

It takes a lot of time and resources to try to debug the problems with the code redesign the whole page again, so we will choose the latter. Don’t add random codes or use market apps if you are not sure how they affect your site loading speed.
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4. Fonts

Another culprit is the fonts. Most new Wix users or amateur website developers tend to use many fonts to make their websites look good. They cannot be more wrong. It makes their website more clutter and unorganized.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]Branding is the most important aspect of your company. When you build a brand, you tend to stick to two typefaces (or fonts for simplicity sake). One font is used for your title/headline, and the other one will be used for your description. Too many fonts used causes your site to look unreadable and less professional. Two fonts make it look sleek, clean, and light for your website.
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How to improve website speed – Google is making page speed a mobile ranking factor

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5. Other media

Such as design elements and videos. They can make your website very interactive and beautiful, but they will cost you a lot of loading speed. Try to use texts as much you can, and may GIF instead of videos if you are trying to show a mini tutorial, they are a lot lighter.
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There you have it, our top 5 steps that you can use right away to optimize your Wix website speed in under 20 minutes. Here is a quick recap: Make sure you check if you meet the supported operating system & supported browser that Wix requires for optimal speed. Use Wix speed test to get more accurate result.
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Whatso- The Original WhatsApp Marketing Software

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Are you seeking for an app to help you build your client base and enhance your revenue? Why hunt for these features separately when you can get a fantastic app that has everything you need in one place? That is, indeed, a dhamaka for you. Do you want to learn more about this whatsapp marketing software Whatso? Continue reading the article.

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Whatso’s WhatsApp Marketing Software is a mass messaging solution that lets you send WhatsApp messages to thousands of people at once. Whatso is a user-friendly WhatsApp marketing tool that lets you send bulk messages to potential clients using photographs, documents, and PDF attachments.

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Unsolicited communications are not supported by WhatsApp Messenger. As a result, using a WhatsApp Marketing tool to reach out to your consumer base is a good idea. Whatso is a tool that allows businesses to effortlessly and cost-effectively engage with their customers.

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The cost of WhatsApp Marketing Software starts at $29 (about ₹. 2000). This guarantees that the Return on Investment will be realised within a month. Before you buy, try out the Free Download to view all of the features.

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A two in One Marketing Software:

Whatso is a two-in-one marketing programme that combines the power of a bulk WhatsApp sender with the power of a bulk SMS sender.

  • Whatso Marketing: Whatso Marketing allows you to send free WhatsApp messages to your customers.
  • SMS Marketing Software: To try out our services, we provide free SMS.

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Get the Most Effective WhatsApp Bulk Sender:

In one software, you’ll get the power of bulk WhatsApp Sender and SMS Marketing. Over 35,000 firms utilise our software. On July 21, 2021, the most recent version of our programme was launched.

  • Free & Regular Updates: Whatso is the most frequently updated bulk WhatsApp Sender on the market, and it’s completely free.
  • Infinite PC License: With the Enterprise plan, you can use Whatso on an unlimited number of computers at no extra charge.
  • Open Source WhatsApp Marketing Software: Our Reselling Plan allows you to purchase the whole source code, alter it to your needs, and resell it.

Despite the fact that there are over 100 identical bulk WhatsApp sender softwares on the market, none of them has been able to stay up with us by delivering regular free updates to keep the WhatsApp bulk messaging software up to date.

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How Does WhatsApp’s Marketing Tool Operate?

  1. Import Phone Numbers : Import numbers from any existing file, such as an Excel spreadsheet. Numbers can also be copied and pasted.
  2. Create Message: In the message box, type the message you want to send in bulk to WhatsApp.
  3. Send Message: Select “Send” to send your message in bulk to the numbers you specified.

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Features of WhatsApp Marketing Software:

  • Send 1000’s Of Messages:

Wondering how to send thousands of WhatsApp messages? With a single click, send WhatsApp messages to all of your contacts, including those who aren’t in your address book.

  • Personalised Messages: 

Send personalised messages using greetings such as the recipient’s name. Our most recent importation feature allows you to send personalised messages with up to 15 custom fields.

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  • Import Multiple Contacts: 

Copy and paste all contact information from Excel, CSV, or TXT files. Check out our sample file for software import.

  • Advanced Features:

Grab Contacts from WhatsApp Groups, Sending Log, Scheduled Sending, and Numbers Filter are some of the more advanced features.

  • Supports All Multimedia Formats: 

Send messages in a variety of formats, including text, photos, videos, audio, and vCard files.

  • Support for Windows:

Windows 10 (32 and 64 bit), Windows 8/7/Vista, and XP are all supported.


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What is the best WhatsApp marketing tool?

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A few more reasons to acquire WhatsApp software in bulk:

  • Send Announcements, News, and Updates: Make it simple for your audience to get announcements, promotions, news, and updates.
  • Build Engagement & Relationships: By providing individualised messages to your users, you can increase their engagement and establish a long-term relationship with them.

So why miss out on a fantastic opportunity to expand your business when you can get all of the benefits under one roof?


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How to Use WebP Images to Improve Website Speed

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WebP is a new, highly effective image format for the web. Compared to its predecessors, it provides a much better level of compression.

You can have images that weigh less while having the same level of quality or better.

Because of its smaller size, WebP helps you substantially improve your website speed.

The format was originally developed by Google and is already supported by every modern mobile and desktop browser.

Pictures in this format can be both lossless and lossy, which makes it very versatile.

There is no doubt that website speed is a matter of great importance. It affects the user experience, SEO, search rankings, and the overall quality of your website.

So having images that load faster can make a difference. Visitors often leave a website just because of slowly loading images, without even seeing the content.

There’s definitely a lot of benefits of switching to WebP instead of the traditionally used formats, Jpeg and PNG.

You can make your website load faster and noticeably improve website speed while preserving the quality of your images, since WebP is pretty delicate when it comes to quality.

But first let’s consider the traditional method of making images less heavy.

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Traditional Method to Reduce PNG

PNG is the most popular lossless format, broadly used around the internet.

Pictures in this format suffer no loss of quality and are relatively compact, but still not perfect, especially if we’re talking about a high number of pictures or pictures of a larger size.

The most conventional method of reducing your PNG file is by saving it as Jpeg, which is possible in any graphic editor, such as Adobe Photoshop.

You simply open your image in Photoshop, click “Save As” and select Jpeg in the list of available extentions. Jpeg is lossy format and it sometimes entails noticeable artifacts.

Another common way is by using a tool like TinyPng that can optimize your PNG file.

It does not convert images to Jpeg; instead, it analyzes the color palette and changes the colors in a subtle way so that the file becomes more optimized. However, there is an even more effective way to reduce image size.

Use WebP Image Converter

There’s an excellent web tool called Webp Converter that will definitely come in handy if you want to reduce the size of your images fast and with no hassle.

It’s a fast and portable WebP converter. Compared to all other methods, it provides superior results.

You get a perfectly compressed, optimized WebP image that you can immediately use on your website instead of the old ones and enjoy an increase in website speed.

You can convert JPG to WebP and PNG to WebP using just a single, simple web interface.

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Vertexshare Webp Converter has a great number of benefits that make it an excellent choice if you need to do the job fast.

First of all, Vertexshare Webp Converter is completely free to use. It requires no account registration and no sign-up. It requires no download and no installation.

The best feature of Vertexshare Webp Converter is that it is absolutely fast because it doesn’t send images back to the server.

It does all the job right in your browser. It works on the fly. Compared to many other web tools that make you wait, often for many minutes, this one is near-instant.

This is definitely a great benefit, and you’re not in any way limited by the number of files you can convert.

Vertexshare Webp Converter works on both Mac and Windows as online/offline software: you don’t have to stay online in order to use it.

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In addition to being a WebP converter, VertexShare Webp Converter also serves as a generic converter: you can convert PNG to JPG and JPG to PNG.

Everything is done just in one click. You can upload images in bulk and convert them simultaneously, without going through your files one by one.

If you want to increase your website speed, there’s no easier way to do this than by using the WebP format, and with the help of VertexShare Webp Converter, you can do it without downloading and installing any software. This is a fast and easy method with immediate results, a really handy WebP conversion tool that any webmaster will find useful.

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Improve Core Web Vitals & Load Speed

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How to improve Core Web Vitals and page load speed

It became a very important topic when Google began baking this into their core ranking algorithm in 2020. Long ago, they said “The web should be fast.” When Google speaks, it is important to listen – if you wish to prosper online. Although improving page load speeds can result in better rankings, the other equally important aspect to address is Visitor Experience.

There are few people who enjoy watching rust form, and slow to load web pages engender similar feelings… At the same time, through 2016 the average web page size continued to grow, now at 2.33 Megabytes.

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  • An increase in load time usually results in decreased revenue for e-commerce sites – Amazon say 100ms extra load times costs 1% in revenue!Conversely, making the site faster improves revenue…
  • Website visitors subjected to your slow loading website are far less likely to return, directly impacting your website’s success – and not in a good way!
  • Other indicators that should be positively impacted are bounce rates, visitor retention times, repeat visitor rates.

As part of all my small business web design packages, page load speed optimisation is addressed.
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How to Improve Website Performance?

When you start considering how to improve website loading speed, there are multiple elements to examine. Having a plan of attack helps immensely. The following strategy is how a freelance NZ website designer should approach the task;

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  1. Benchmark – run performance tests on any/all of the services listed below. Copy and save the results. This will be the base measurement against which you judge the results of the improvement work you will do.
  2. Caching – assuming you have not yet installed a caching system, that is the next step. If using WordPress, start with the $39 WP Rocket Cache because it delivers better performance than it’s competitors. *
  3. Plugins – Godaddy produced the P3 Plugin Profiler to determine what plugins are hogging resources. If you have any greedy plugins, either find a light-weight replacement. Deactivate and delete plugins that are not mission-critical.
  4. Image Sizes – make sure they are sized correctly and compressed appropriately. Specify image pixel height and width so that text content can flow around the image space before images load. Use a “lazy load” plugin to only display images as they enter the viewport. (Some caching plugins include lazy load)
  5. Home Page: are you opening a basket full of recent posts, top 10 posts, posts from various categories, comments, featured pages? That is database-intensive content which quickly adds up in terms of total database requests.

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Website Performance Benchmarking

When you are making changes, it is important to check at each stage that what you have just done had a positive result. Fortunately, the web offers a plethora of measurement services. It is important to remember that there are lots of variables, such as;

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  • Location of the test server vs location of your website
  • Connection – dial-up, cable, ADSL, unthrottled etc

Because of this, results do vary between the various measuring services. Don’t worry about the inconsistencies, just focus on the overall load speed trends. Here are the most popular testing platforms;
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  • Pingdom: performance checks from multiple locations;
  • GT Metrix: a free website speed checking system by a Canadian hosting company:
  • Dotcom Tools: website load speed tests across multiple countries:
  • Web Page Test:
  • Sucuri Performance: performance checks from multiple locations;

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Run the initial test on 3 or 4 services before you start making changes.

The process makes more sense if you;

  • Note exactly what you did to optimize website performance
  • Record the result each time you check page load time…

Generally, work on two pages – Home page and an internal page – to monitor page load times after each stage.

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Reduce Website Load Speed with Caching

There is no disputing the dramatic benefits that a good caching system can deliver.

User of the popular WordPress CMS system are spoiled for choice with caching plugins. W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache and Quick Cache are three I’ve used extensively.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]These days, as part of WordPress tech Support services, I use WP Rocket Cache on all sites I build and/or provide website maintenance services on. I purchased a Developers Licence for WP-Rocket in order to provide it to all clients.

For non-WordPress sites, caching systems may also be available, depending on the CMS you are using. Even if that”s not possible, there are still many opportunities to minimise load times! Implementing Gzip file compression can usually be done in the .htaccess file, and you can certainly tackle image file sizes!
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Plugins – Impact on Page Load Time

Not all plugins are beneficial to performance. A plugin has a quantifiable impact on page load speed, page file sizes and database requests. Indeed, some add hundreds of lines of code to every page, and trigger high volumes of database requests. This can cripple “shared hosting” web servers, and some hosting companies have banned such plugins.

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The worst culprits are invariably broken link checkers and related content generators.


Use Godaddy’s P3 Plugin Profiler to determine which plugins on your site are burning up the most resources. The pie-chart graphics show clearly;

  • % of resources consumed by plugins in total
  • % of resources consumed by each plugin

Should any plugin be consuming a much bigger wedge, consider the alternatives.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]Two for One Plugins: In some cases, a plugin serves a dual purpose, allowing you to achieve a couple of desirable outcomes without increasing consumption of resources. An example might be a social widget that offers both Like buttons and Follow links to your social media business pages. multiple purposes.

Be very careful of Jetpack – it is the Swiss Army knife of plugins but is very resource-hungry!
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]Lite Plugins: unlike beer, the “Lite” version is often full strength without the weight of competing plugins. Sure, it may also be the Free vs the Pro version.
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Some security plugins include features that you don’t need to run all the time. For example, the respected Wordfence plugin offers Live Traffic logging which is a bit resource hungry. Turn it off if you don’t need it. The scanner has options for image file scans and ultra-sensitive modes – run those once, and then deactivate them to reduce resource consumption.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]I usually run two security plugins, but care has to be taken that the complement each other and not generate conflicts that increase the time it takes pages to load.

If one of your plugins is a Web Application Firewall (WP Ninja or Block Bad Queries), don’t use another plugin that also has a WAF – or deactivate its WAF function.
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The WordPress Heartbeat API can sometimes generate high server loads, negatively impacting performance. that slow things down significantly. If you suspect that’s happening, there is a Heartbeat plugin that can minimise this issue.

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Images – Dimensions & File Sizes

A great way to trash page load times is uploading images straight from your camera or phone. Your website software probably does not work like social media sites, here images are automatically resized and compressed.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]That said, CMS systems like WordPress do have tools available to help you. Every image on the entire site should be optimised to improve website performance. Background images can be awfully big and inserting a 1400 x 1000 pixel image that is not adequately compressed is going to kill your website performance.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]In general, JPG images offer the best performance and these should:

  • be reduced to the maximum size that they will be displayed at
  • be compressed by at least 10% and in most cases 30% still offers good image quality
  • have its dimension specified in the page/s within which it is displayed

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This plugin adds an extra setting in the Media Settings section that can be adjusted to a maximum image size. Setting it to 250 Kb allows even large 1500×680 banner images to be loaded. When correctly compressed, these are mostly under 200 Kb.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]THIS IS ENFORCED ON IMAGE UPLOAD!

Basically, you cannot upload an image the exceeds the maximum permitted image file size
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Batch Processing existing Images in Bulk

There are good plugins for automatically processing images across your website.


My go-to tool is the Shortpixel plugin – and I extend the default limited number of image with a 50,000 Image Processing Plan for $30. The plugin can be installed with the same API key on multiple sites and the 50k Image Plan can be shared across all those sites.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]Site-wide batch processing of previously loaded images is easy;

  1. configure the plugin settings for glossy or lossy compression
  2. set the maximum image size etc
  3. set it to work.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]The plugin will backup copies of the original images, and the hundreds / thousands of previously generated thumbnails can also be batch-processed.

Shortpixel does a wonderful job of optimising and compressing your entire image library!!
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This tool allows you to reduce image file sizes, improve performance and boost your SEO using the WordPress Smush API. It analyses new images on upload and will compress them on the fly as/if appropriate. After installation, images can be processed in bulk;

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A running total is maintained.

The PRO Version delivers better performance…
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Optimise ALL Images: Use WP Smush to work through all images in the site / media library.
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Where you see a recommendation in GT Metrix or other load speed results relating to “optimise images” you could examine the list to see if there are any very large ones that you can process. The only option is one by one, which is why a fully automated batch-processing tool is a godsend!

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]Note: GT Metrix give you a link to a compressed version of the file under each image that can/should be reduced. That is very helpful with PNG files as they can be awkward to compress…
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  • Click the “See optimised version” to open the compressed file
  • Right click the image and select “Save as” and make sure the name is identical to the original version
  • Use your FTP software to upload the optimized files to the original folder

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]Specify Image Dimensions: Also examine each image you have added on the page to see if any are being scaled to fit. In Firefox, right clicking an image shows such details;

Each image that is being scaled should be resized to the correct dimensions. Some design themes are not efficient at displaying images, so if there is a site-wide issues with images being scaled, you may need to consider a better design theme. In general, mobile-responsive design themes are engineered specifically to process images in a way that reduces page load times across all viewing devices.
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Retina Ready Images:

Not everyone understands that this is Apple marketing at work. It’s a gimmick, where only enabled devices might theoretically show a photo-realistic image… Loading retina-ready images onto the average website is verging on stupid… Yet some website designers will tell you its essential. On the average website’s traffic logs, you will see that Apple visitors make up less than 6% of total visitors. Of those, a very tiny percentage actually have retina-ready devices!
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Home Page – Constrain Complexity

Bear in mind that the Home page is the single most important page. It is where most visitors touch down!

When planning how to improve website loading speed, remember that a fast Home page is crucial to keeping a visitor’s attention long enough grab their interest. Achieving a compromise between highlighting site content and loading it as fast as is possible is the conundrum.

[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]More often that not, less is more… Keep it closer to 1Mb than 2Mb, have it load in less than 3 seconds… To achieve that, trim numbers in terms of posts, comments, slideshows, tags, categories, featured pages & posts, top post lists etc.
[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”]External content can slow things down significantly;

  • Don’t load the Facebook Statistics for your Fb Business page, only show the Follow buttons
  • Same goes for Tripadvisor etc
  • If you are running Ads, check what impact your suppliers code is having
  • If you are loading external fonts and icons, see if your caching plugin can cache them

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