How to Use WebP Images to Improve Website Speed

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WebP is a new, highly effective image format for the web. Compared to its predecessors, it provides a much better level of compression.

You can have images that weigh less while having the same level of quality or better.

Because of its smaller size, WebP helps you substantially improve your website speed.

The format was originally developed by Google and is already supported by every modern mobile and desktop browser.

Pictures in this format can be both lossless and lossy, which makes it very versatile.

There is no doubt that website speed is a matter of great importance. It affects the user experience, SEO, search rankings, and the overall quality of your website.

So having images that load faster can make a difference. Visitors often leave a website just because of slowly loading images, without even seeing the content.

There’s definitely a lot of benefits of switching to WebP instead of the traditionally used formats, Jpeg and PNG.

You can make your website load faster and noticeably improve website speed while preserving the quality of your images, since WebP is pretty delicate when it comes to quality.

But first let’s consider the traditional method of making images less heavy.

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Traditional Method to Reduce PNG

PNG is the most popular lossless format, broadly used around the internet.

Pictures in this format suffer no loss of quality and are relatively compact, but still not perfect, especially if we’re talking about a high number of pictures or pictures of a larger size.

The most conventional method of reducing your PNG file is by saving it as Jpeg, which is possible in any graphic editor, such as Adobe Photoshop.

You simply open your image in Photoshop, click “Save As” and select Jpeg in the list of available extentions. Jpeg is lossy format and it sometimes entails noticeable artifacts.

Another common way is by using a tool like TinyPng that can optimize your PNG file.

It does not convert images to Jpeg; instead, it analyzes the color palette and changes the colors in a subtle way so that the file becomes more optimized. However, there is an even more effective way to reduce image size.

Use WebP Image Converter

There’s an excellent web tool called Webp Converter that will definitely come in handy if you want to reduce the size of your images fast and with no hassle.

It’s a fast and portable WebP converter. Compared to all other methods, it provides superior results.

You get a perfectly compressed, optimized WebP image that you can immediately use on your website instead of the old ones and enjoy an increase in website speed.

You can convert JPG to WebP and PNG to WebP using just a single, simple web interface.

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Vertexshare Webp Converter has a great number of benefits that make it an excellent choice if you need to do the job fast.

First of all, Vertexshare Webp Converter is completely free to use. It requires no account registration and no sign-up. It requires no download and no installation.

The best feature of Vertexshare Webp Converter is that it is absolutely fast because it doesn’t send images back to the server.

It does all the job right in your browser. It works on the fly. Compared to many other web tools that make you wait, often for many minutes, this one is near-instant.

This is definitely a great benefit, and you’re not in any way limited by the number of files you can convert.

Vertexshare Webp Converter works on both Mac and Windows as online/offline software: you don’t have to stay online in order to use it.

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In addition to being a WebP converter, VertexShare Webp Converter also serves as a generic converter: you can convert PNG to JPG and JPG to PNG.

Everything is done just in one click. You can upload images in bulk and convert them simultaneously, without going through your files one by one.

If you want to increase your website speed, there’s no easier way to do this than by using the WebP format, and with the help of VertexShare Webp Converter, you can do it without downloading and installing any software. This is a fast and easy method with immediate results, a really handy WebP conversion tool that any webmaster will find useful.

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