What is the use of client portal

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What is the use of the client portal?

The client portal is an organized way to view the invoices, estimates and retainer invoices sent to your customer. If you’ve enabled the client portal for your business in Zoho Invoice and configured it for your customers, they can view their transactions with you by logging into the portal. This includes viewing and accepting/declining their documents, adding comments to the document and making online payments.

Read more on how this works.

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Can I customize the portal invitation mail content?

Yes, you can. Here’s how:

  • Go to Settings icon on the top right and select Email Templates.
  • Navigate to Client Portal Invitation and select Show Mail Content .
  • Now you can edit the text and click Save after you’re done.

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I am getting a “Portal name already taken” message.

This is because the name that you have specified for your client portal is already taken by another Zoho Invoice user. Since portal name has to be unique, you need to specify another name for your client portal.

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Can I change my portal name? Will this cause any impact?

Yes, you can change your portal name. To do this,

  • Go to Settings – Organization Profile
  • Click on Change Portal Settings

  • Make the necessary changes and click on Save.

Now, the portal URL is modified accordingly. You will have to invite each of your customers again in order to enable them to view transactions and make payments through the portal.

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Can I set a password for the client portal? If yes, how do I do it?

Yes, you can. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Open the contact for whom you wish to set the portal password.
  • Click on Configure Client Portal, if you have already enabled it for the customer. If not, click on Enable Client Portal.
  • In the pop-up that follows, you can set the password by clicking on the Set Password option.

Note: Using this option, you can set passwords for the contact as well as the contact person associated with the contact, by checking the box next to the contact or contact person.

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  • An alternate method for setting portal password for the contact person is by opening the gear icon beside the contact person’s name, clicking on Edit and typing in the password (provided you have checked the box Enable portal access).

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  • Once the password is set, the contact and/or the contact person will receive an email with the username and the password.

Note: If you haven’t set up a password, the contact will be asked to set a password of their choice.

Also, once your client logs into the client portal with the password you have set for them, they will have an option to Reset Password anytime later.

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What is Journal & Ledger in Accounting and Bookkeeping?

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Every business that does bookkeeping needs to record its transactions somewhere. When you have multiple customers and vendors, it can be a hectic task to consolidate all your sales and purchases in just a notebook. You need organization, so when tax or audit season rolls around, you are not left scrambling at the last minute. Transaction records are important because they are proof of how your money is being exchanged, how regularly, and with whom. But where do you record the movement of money to and from your business? Also, how do you record uncommon transactions like depreciation, bad debt, and the sale of assets? This is where journals and ledgers come into play. Read on to find out more about them and how you can use them for your business.

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The journal. What is it?

The journal is also known as the book of original entry. It is where a business transaction is recorded when it first happens. A journal can be physical or electronic, and sales, purchases, or any movement of money to or from your business is recorded in chronological order. A journal contains the following information:

  • The date of the transaction
  • The account or accounts that are debited, and the amount involved
  • The account or accounts that are credited, and the amount involved
  • A short description and reference of the transaction

The golden rules of accounting

Every journal entry that is made must follow the golden rules of accounting. These rules apply to three specific accounts. Let’s define these accounts and take a look at their associated rules:

Real account – an account that pertains to assets and liabilities.

  • Golden Rule: Debit what comes into the business, and credit what goes out of the business.

Personal account – includes all accounts related to individuals, firms, and associations.

  • Golden Rule: Debit the receiver, and credit the giver.

Nominal account – related to all income, expenses, losses and profits.

  • Golden Rule: Debit the expense or loss, and credit the income or profit.

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Journal entries – format & example

Using the accounts and rules above, let’s see how entries are made in the journal.

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On March 5th, you buy furniture for your office worth $5,000 in cash. The furniture is considered an asset, so this is affecting the real account. The golden rule states that assets are debited, so you add $5,000 to the debit column of the journal. An equal credit must be recorded to the cash account, so you add $5,000 to the credit side of the journal. Finally, you note down the description of the transaction as a purchase of furniture worth $5,000.

On March 30th, the nominal account was debited for salary expenses, and the business’ bank account was credited to reflect that. You can see that the transactions entered in the journal follow the golden rules of accounting.

The ledger. What is it?

The ledger is also known as the book of second entry or the principal book of accounts. The ledger contains the chart of accounts, which is the list of all names and account numbers in the ledger. The ledger is given special importance by auditors and must be “balanced,” where the total debits always equals the total credits. If the debits outweigh the credits, it is called a debit balance. If the credits are more than the debits, there is a credit balance.

Ledger entries – format & example

Transactions in the journal are grouped by accounts in the order of assets, liabilities, equity, income, and expenses. They are then transferred to the ledger. Ledger entries appear in the order of accounts compared to the journal’s chronological order.

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What comes after the journal and ledger?

After you have categorized transactions into corresponding accounts and recorded them in your ledger, you must check if your books are balanced. The trial balance helps you with that. It shows the ending balances of all your accounts as they appear on the balance sheet. The trial balance contains a description, account number, account name, debit balance, and credit balance. Once information from the ledger is consolidated into the trial balance, it is easy for your accountant to spot imbalances between debits and credits. It is concise, orderly, and helps remove discrepancy, proving to be a handy tool in keeping your books balanced.


Your books are balanced. Now what?

Once your books are balanced, it is time to generate financial reports to better understand how your business is performing. Every business must be aware of its growth and where it stands at any given point in time. Financial reports provide this insight. The cash flow statement depicts your cash flow trends by showing you how money moves in and out of your business. The balance sheet tells you how much your business owns, how much it owes, and its shareholder’s equity. The income statement, or profit and loss statement, focuses on the revenue gained and expenses incurred by a business over time. These are the three reports that businesses must pay most attention to.

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The importance of journals and ledgers

Why is there so much emphasis on using journals and ledgers? The answer is simple. You can accomplish your bookkeeping goals easier when you have complete records of all your transactions. Financial statements like the cash flow statement, balance sheet, and income statement provide vital information about your business trends, and they can only be generated by using information from journals and ledgers. Recording and tracking uncommon transactions like depreciation, bad debt, and the sale of assets are made easier with journals. Journals and ledgers also help you to capture both the debit and the credit sides of transactions. This is often overlooked when companies do not use books.

The bottom line

Recording business transactions forms the core of your bookkeeping. It does not make sense to record them only when taxes and audits are around the corner. Ensuring accurate accounts of your business requires diligent upkeep of journals and ledgers. They are important and useful tools that keep you on track and allow you to set performance goals. Most importantly, they help you as a business owner to understand your company’s financial operations so you can assess growth and maintain a healthy and thriving organization.

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Configure webhooks for Razorpay?

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Why should I configure webhooks for Razorpay?

Razorpay supports receiving payments through multiple payment modes. If you have set up Razorpay in Zoho Invoice, your customers can make payments for invoices through the Client Portal. When the customer clicks the Proceed to Pay button, a Razorpay pop-up will open from which they can select a payment mode and make the payment. Once the customer authenticates the payment through OTP or other methods, the amount will be deducted from the customer’s account. Next, Razorpay will notify Zoho Invoice for the payment to be recorded. However, the notification to record the payment in Zoho Invoice might fail as explained in the cases below. So, configuring a webhooks for Razorpay ensures that Zoho Invoice is notified about the payment statuses and payments do not fail to be recorded.

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Case 1: Mobile browser and UPI/Wallet payments

Let’s say, your customer opens the payment URL in a mobile browser and chooses to pay via Wallet or UPI payment mode. They will be redirected to one of the mobile apps to make the payment. Once they make the payment, the payment status will be Authorised and if they return to the payment initiation screen, the payment will be captured and recorded in Zoho Invoice. However, if the customer does not return to the payment initiation screen, their payment will be in Authorised status and the payment may never be recorded in Zoho Invoice. Moreover, if the payment stays in the Authorised status, Razorpay will initiate an auto-refund of the payment based on the Default Speed of Refunds you’ve configured.

In this case, configuring the webhook ensures that the payment status is passed on to Zoho Invoice, even if your customer does not return to the payment initiation screen.

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Case 2: Late authorisation

One of your customers makes payment via Net Banking. However, due to a delay in payment authorisation response from the bank to Razorpay, the transaction times out and the payment status is updated as failed. Later, the payment could become a success and the bank might send a success message to Razorpay.

Configuring the webhook ensures that Zoho Invoice receives this success message and a payment is recorded in Zoho Invoice.

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Is Razorpay PCI compliant?

Yes, it is PCI compliant.

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Are international credit cards supported?

Yes, Razorpay supports international credit cards.

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Payment modes for Zoho invoice- Razorpay

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What are the payment modes supported by Razorpay? Can I accept reccuring payments too?

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Razorpay supports payments through all the major debit and credit cards, UPI Payments, 50+ netbanking banks and popular wallets like : Mobikwik, PayUmoney, FreeCharge, Airtel Money, Ola Money and PayZapp.

You can accept recurring payments from your customers when you integrate your account with Razorpay. Your customers can use their credit cards to make payments to you for the recurring invoices.

However, this will be initiated from our end, and this will depend on your line of business and other factors considered by Razorpay. Enabling recurring payments is totally at the discretion of the payment gateway and partner banks.

If you’d like to enable this for your organization, send us an email at support@zohoinvoice.com with your Razorpay Merchant ID and we’ll be glad to assist you.

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Does Razorpay offer sandbox environment?

Yes. Sandbox or test account can be used to test your integration without having to actually charge credit cards. The Test Environment is an exact copy of the Production Environment, except credit cards and bank accounts are not actually charged.

Note: Make sure that you use Sandbox credentials for Sandbox account and Live credentials for Live account.

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_column _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default” type=”4_4″][et_pb_image src=”https://blog.gotmenow.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Zoho-Invoice-a-one-stop-solution-to-all-your-invoicing-requirements.png” alt=”How can I convert an estimate into an invoice?” title_text=”Zoho Invoice – a one-stop solution to all your invoicing requirements” url=”https://go.zoho.com/KwD” url_new_window=”on” align=”center” _builder_version=”4.9.3″ _module_preset=”default”][/et_pb_image][et_pb_button button_url=”https://go.zoho.com/KwD” url_new_window=”on” button_text=”Access Free Invoicing Software” button_alignment=”center” _builder_version=”4.9.3″ _module_preset=”default” custom_button=”on” button_text_color=”#FFFFFF” button_bg_color=”#0C71C3″ button_border_width=”0px” button_border_radius=”22px” button_use_icon=”off” filter_saturate=”74%” button_text_shadow_style=”preset2″ box_shadow_style=”preset3″][/et_pb_button][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_column _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default” type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default” hover_enabled=”0″ sticky_enabled=”0″]

Will my customers be prompted for OTP while making auto-recurring transactions?

For auto recurring transactions, your customer will have to go through a Two-Factor-Authentication Process, for the first transaction. This process will include a verification by either an OTP / Mastercard Secure password / Verified by Visa Password.

After that they will have to consent that all subsequent payments can go through without an OTP.

Users will be notified about the payment in the transaction statement generated.

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How do I refund a payment?

To refund a payment,

  • Head to Razorpay website and login using your credentials.
  • Next, click on the payment from the list which you want to refund under the Payments Received tab.
  • Click on Refund Payment button at the bottom.
  • In the dialog box that appears next, click on OK to refund the full amount or check Partial Refund to refund partial amount.

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Can I receive payments without activating my account?

No, you cannot receive payments without activating your Razorpay account.

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What currencies are supported by Razorpay in Zoho Invoice?

Currently, Razorpay supports only INR (Indian Rupees).

Note: Only the organizations with India as their country will be able to setup Razorpay as their payment gateway.

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All details about Razorpay account

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How does this Razorpay – Zoho Invoice integration work?

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Here is a basic process flow of how the product will work:

  1. The customer signs up on your platform for the service and selects a plan for a timely subscription.
  2. At the time of the first payment, he fills up the card details and agrees to apply recurring payment through a checkbox.
  3. If the customer has an Indian issued credit card, the first transaction will go through a standard 2FA flow (OTP / Mastercard Secure password / Verified by Visa Password)
  4. If an international customer, the transaction will go through without 2FA.
  5. Through backend APIs, at the initiation of the transaction, you can let us know transaction characteristics like amount, schedule and the duration of the recurring plan.
  6. On the specified date, we automatically debit (without any intervention from the customer) the specified amount from the customer’s credit card and send them a confirmation of the same.

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How to create a razorpay account?

To create a Razorpay account, please click the link below, to the Razorpay Signup page

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How to setup Razorpay?

To set up Razorpay, click the Gear icon > Integrations > Online Payments. Click on the Setup Now button under Razorpay and enter the information required and click on Save. As of now, Razorpay is supported only for organizations with India as their country.

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To get Merchant ID,

  • Login to your Razorpay account and verify that you’re in Live Mode.
  • Next, your Merchant ID will be displayed at the top.

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To get Key ID,

  • Login to your Razorpay account and verify that you’re in Live Mode.
  • If you’ve already generated the API Keys, you can find your Key ID under API Keys tab at the bottom-left of the dashboard.
  • If you haven’t generated the API Keys yet, click on the Generate Live Key button to get your Key ID and API Key (Key Secret).

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To get API Key aka Key Secret,

  • The API Key aka Key Secret will be displayed only once when you first generate your Api keys. So, it cannot be retrieved unless you saved them.

  • If you didn’t save your API Key, then the only way left is to regenerate the Api Keys by clicking on the Regenerate Live Key button under the Api Keys tab and the API key and Key ID (Key Secret) will be displayed on a pop-up. If you regenerate your Api Keys make sure to use the newly generated Key ID and API Key while integrating with Zoho Subscriptions.

  • So, with that said, if you haven’t generated the API Keys yet, click on the Generate Live Key under button under API Keys tab at the bottom-left of the dashboard to get your Key ID and API Key (Key Secret).

Note:* It is advised to save your API Key and Key ID (Key Secret) by downloading them because Key ID will not be displayed again anywhere inside the Razorpay account.

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How do I get my Razorpay API credentials?

Login to Razorpay account and click on Api Keys tab from the left pane. Next, click on Generate Live Key button to generate your live API key.

Note: Your API key will be displayed at the top banner.

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What is the per transaction fee?

For domestic cards, the fees charged is always 2% along with service tax of 15%.

For international, Diners and Amex cards the fee charged is 3% along with the service tax of 15%.

Note: In both the cases, the service tax of 15% is charged on 2%.

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In what frequency the settlement will be made?

Here is a Merchent Settlement process and details as given by Razorpay.

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Contextual Banking — A Guide to Effectively Managing Your Accounts Receivables

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Imagine having to run your business without sufficient cash for two and a half months. Sounds like a nightmare, right? In fact this is a reality for a lot of businesses in India. A study conducted by Euler Hermes, a credit insurance company, revealed that it takes 75 days on average for business owners to receive payment for their sales. Here it is about Contextual banking.

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In order to compensate for late payments, Indian business owners typically either borrow money from unorganized lenders at a high interest rate, or sell all their loans to a third-party lender. Although this may seem like an immediate solution for a serious problem, this can spell financial disaster in the long run. When you have cash flow issues, borrowing more money only to pay high interest rates could eat away your capital funds and future profits. This will rapidly decelerate the growth of your business, resulting in bankruptcy.

Managing your receivables efficiently should be your main focus as a business owner. You need to plan ahead, keep track of what your customers owe you, and control costs. Above all, you need a proactive system in place that will merge accounting and banking functions so that it’s easier to streamline your collection process and accounts receivable management. And contextual banking helps you do just that.

With contextual banking, you can receive payments, track deposits and manage receivables from your accounting system.

Let’s take a look at why contextual banking is the solution for managing receivables.

Automatically follow up with customers

The simplest and most obvious solution to late payments is to remind your customers to pay whenever an invoice is due. But, keeping track of unpaid invoices and chasing after customers takes up a lot of time which you could spend doing other productive tasks.

A good accounting system can help you identify those invoices that are due and automatically send friendly reminders. This way you take a professional approach, avoid the awkward ‘talk’, and more importantly get paid. With contextual banking, you can go one step further and offer the customer different payment options to make it easy for them to pay promptly.

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Provide a pleasant payment experience

You work hard to please your customers so that they’ll want to keep doing business with you in the future. Providing convenient payment options will not only make it easier for them and put you in their good books, but will also get you paid faster.

When you connect your bank account with your accounting system, you can offer multiple payment methods such as debit card, credit card, net banking, NEFT, RTGS, and UPI. You can also give your customers the option to pay through a payment link in your invoice, or through a self-help portal where they can keep track of all their invoices and make payments. When your customers make a payment, the money goes into your bank account within a few working days, and contextual banking makes sure that the corresponding invoice gets updated to Paid status automatically in your accounting system.

Run receivables reports regularly

As a business owner, you need specific insights into your receivables. You need reports that tell you whether you are managing your cash flow and collections the right way, or if you need to make some improvements. When you don’t use an accounting software, pulling up all this data for the month or the quarter can take days. By the time you have the information you need, it’s a little late to take timely action.

With contextual banking, your bank balances and cash balances are updated in your accounting system automatically. So when you run important financial report such as balance sheet, profit and loss statement, or cash flow statement from your accounting system, you will have a truly up-to-date view of your finances. In addition to these reports, good accounting software will give you access to reports that tell you about your customer balances, how much money you’ve received so far, how many customers are yet to pay, how many days on average it takes for a payment to reach you, and more.

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From Negative to Positive: How to Improve Your Cash Flow

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What’s more important than profits? Cash. Your profit margins can change at any time, but your cash flow determines your business’s current and future health.

Cash flow is the money that flows in and out of your business, and is a crucial indicator of its financial health. Any business may be at risk of poor cash flow, and if its major causes are overlooked, the business may become unprofitable, dwindle further, and have to shut down. Knowing what can affect your business’s cash flow and how you can limit unnecessary cash outflow will help you manage it consistently, prepare for challenges, and grow steadily!

Negative cash flow: how it can affect your business

Negative cash flow is when your business spends more than what it receives, but this need not always indicate a loss. For example, your payments may be due before you receive your income and you may spend more than what you have at that time, leading to a cash flow problem. So, while you may recover your money later, or even if you’ve already been profitable, there will be certain months where you’d be spending more than your earnings. This can prevent you from having enough cash for future investments, leading to an imbalance in your revenue along with a decrease in your liquid assets.

If you don’t manage your cash inflow well to face unexpected expenses, you may have a cash flow crunch. To tackle this problem, you have to understand what’s causing the shortfall.

Common causes for negative cash flow

  • Inefficient management: Poor productivity and marketing strategies can make you spend a lot without receiving adequate returns on your investment. For instance, your staff may be focusing on tasks that could be automated, or your marketing strategy may not be effective enough for your target audience. These may lead to high operating costs, as well as poor sales and credit ratings.

  • Incorrect pricing: Undercharging or overcharging is another common reason for negative cash flow. If you have low profit margins, you might want to raise your prices. However, charging excessively for something that customers can get for a lower rate (with the same quality) will only discourage them from buying from you. Similarly, not charging enough can lead to lower returns, and will not improve your position in the market.

  • Late payments: The more complicated your invoicing and payment process, the later your payments are likely to be. Delayed payments can hurt your cash flow, and affect your ability to pay your own vendors, pay for overhead expenses, and much more.

  • Unnecessary investments: Investing too much on products or services that aren’t critical to your business can affect your cash flow. When you do this, you’re spending on non-essential assets that won’t give you much returns, leading to your funds getting drained.

  • Improper planning: Failing to set long-term goals, expanding too quickly, or not having the right employees can impact your future opportunities and your brand image, all of which will hit your revenue. Things may look up temporarily, but you may not have enough resources to give you good returns. Poor financial planning will leave you short of funds when you have unexpected expenses, and you may become too dependent on loans without having enough cash to repay them.

Managing poor cash flow is important, but so is steering your business towards consistently improving your revenue. Here’s how you can do both, in two stages. 

Stage 1: Survival strategies to manage poor cash flow

Money matters

Record and review your operating expenses and financial statements on a bi-weekly or monthly basis (depending on the size of your business), so you’re always updated on where your money is going to or coming from, and you can take action accordingly. You should also run a cash flow statement because this will help you understand how well you’ve been managing your cash flow.

To prepare for the unexpected, you can keep aside a certain amount of cash every month as a cash buffer. This amount can be determined based on your general expenditure, your current and past performance, and how quickly your products get sold. If your overall performance is slow and indicates that you need more money for an emergency, you need a bigger reserve. 

If you can’t do this and urgently require cash, invoice factoring (selling unpaid invoices to companies in exchange for immediate cash) may help you get cash right away. However, the factoring company will take a cut of the money you earn. Alternatively, you can opt for a business loan.

Ultimately, be mindful of the amount you spend during this period, and cut down on unnecessary expenses. If you need to pay for a business expense, prioritize the resources that will help you improve your cash flow and grow your business (whether long-term or short-term). For instance, if you had to choose between revamping your office space and purchasing new software to help your business processes, the latter would be far more beneficial. 

Avoid delayed payments

Send out invoices as soon as possible and have a written record of your payment terms and conditions so your customer knows the consequences for not paying promptly. You can also incentivize them for prompt payments, or, if they opt out of cash payments, check their credit score to ensure they have a reliable record.

In case you want to make a sale to a customer who doesn’t have a promising financial history, do so at a high interest rate; they’ll buy only if they really need to and it’s more likely that you’ll get your money back. Meanwhile, ask your vendors if they can extend the payment terms, and regularly check your AR aging report. This will provide details of payments that have crossed the due date, so you can follow up with these customers and recover your receivables.

Stage 2: How to improve cash flow and grow consistently

Pay less or buy more

Having enough cash for your day-to-day operations is important for good cash flow management. When you lease a product and rent it from the supplier, you can use it without spending excessively, only paying small amounts each month. This helps cash flow, especially because these expenses can be written off on your taxes. Similarly, if you’re purchasing a product, ask if you can pay in installments.

You can also buy your supplies in bulk to get good discounts. In case you’re unable to buy in bulk as a sole entity, partner with similar companies and pool your cash together so you can get your vendors to lower their prices.

Make payments easier and incentivize customers to pay on time

While sending out invoices, attach a payment link to help your customers pay immediately with just a click. Offer electronic modes of payment; they’re easy and quick! Your accounting software can simplify the process by helping you with online payment integrations and instantly getting your invoice sent with the right payment options.

You can also ask for partial payments up-front (especially from newer customers) and encourage them to pay faster by offering discounts for early payment. Implementing reward programs and referral programs can work in your favor, as you can grow your sales and churn more revenue, while your customers also gain when they buy from you! 

Make your invoice easy to read for your customer, so they’ll understand the terms and conditions. State the due date clearly, with information on accepted payment modes and late payment fees, if any. Once they’re sent, send invoice reminders a few days before the payment’s due date. You can make this work smoother if you automate your AR/AP process.

Monitor your inventory

Conduct an inventory valuation on a quarterly basis, noting the goods that aren’t moving quickly or aren’t in much demand. These goods, which become dead stock, could affect your cash flow. So, cut down on buying these in the future and liquidate what you currently have, or even sell them at a discount so they’ll move faster.

Negotiate with vendors and extend payment terms

Once you’ve established a good rapport with your vendors, you can negotiate with them to give you discounts for paying early. If you need more time to pay bills, ask for extended payment terms (you can do this especially for large purchases). If you’re a regular buyer with a history of prompt payment, your vendors will most likely agree, and this will give you more time to make your sales before your due payment to the vendor.

Be proactive with cash flow forecasting

When you prepare a cash flow forecast, you estimate your future income and operating expenses, helping you build a budget and plan better. You can do this by analyzing the previous year’s performance or by calculating your expected inflow (like customer receipts) and outflow (like vendor payments and payroll). 

It’s best to forecast monthly or quarterly to keep track of your key performance indicators, helping you understand your working capital, and whether you have enough income to manage the following month’s requirements. Once you finish forecasting a period and move on to the next, return to your forecast for the previous period and check your estimation against the actual cash flow; if there’s a mismatch, you’ll know the difference and understand why your cash flow didn’t meet your expectations.

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Invest well and use bank accounts safely

Make your idle cash work for you, and invest wisely. If required, you can even take short-term loans, where you get a lump sum amount that can be repaid in installments. This borrowed amount can be used to make smart business decisions that will help you in the long run, such as expansions, purchase of new inventory, and more.

You can even make payments with a cash-back business credit card (where you get a certain amount of money back after a successful payment), which will be helpful for regular monthly payments. Use a checking account (also known as a current account) to deposit a portion of your income regularly as a reserve, and to deposit the rest of your income, use a savings account that will yield high interest. To make it simpler, you can keep transferring your money from the checking account to the savings account, so if your funds go below the minimum requirement for a checking account, they’ll get transferred back automatically. This way, you can save money for an emergency. 

It’s equally important to keep your bank accounts secure and decrease the chances of unauthorized use. For instance, you can minimize the number of people who can access it, so you ensure your money is in safe hands and won’t be spent without your knowledge.

Plan for a steady expansion and raise prices

If a certain product of yours is doing well in the market, bump up its price by a marginal amount. Check if your own expenses for equipment, manpower, and time have increased. If their value does not match the final sale amount, reassess the price. However, take a look at your competitors’ prices as well, and make sure that yours isn’t raised too much in comparison. If you’re raising your price, be sure to let your customers know how much they can gain by buying from you.

For example, if you’re manufacturing chocolate and adding a unique ingredient to it, highlight that. You can even provide an add-on or an extra feature to your product, making it different from the rest. Meanwhile, add new categories and products to your business, and expand slowly but steadily. Consider other customer groups you can target who could benefit from your products, and encourage them to spend more by selling in bundles. So, taking the previous example, you could expand your sweets business to include healthy sugar-free variations and, later, even target healthy beverages.

However, while expanding, it’s important to make cost-effective choices. If it gets too expensive to handle everything on your own, outsource certain functions, and regularly review your existing contracts. Streamline your business processes by investing in more efficient software and equipment. While this may initially be more expensive, it will cut a lot more costs for you in the long run. 

It all boils down to how you take things forward with your money. Negative cash flow is common in growing businesses, and if you’re able to spot the issues as they occur and solve them, then you’re good to go! To improve cash flow for your business, prioritize resources that will bring you returns, plan ahead, focus on your cash flow statements, and stay on top of your forecasting. Build up from there and work on the tips mentioned above so that you can safeguard your business and keep it growing at a steady pace.

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How do I sort recurring invoices?

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Sort recurring invoices

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Recurring invoices can be sorted under three categories – ‘active’, ‘expired’, and ‘stopped’.

  • ‘Active’ indicates that the invoices still being sent out to the client once every recurring period
  • ‘Expired’ invoices are inactive as they have reached the ‘End’ recurring date set, and are no longer being sent to the customer.
  • ‘Stopped’ recurring invoices are those that have been manually stopped from being sent to the customer. You can make a recurring invoice STOP by selecting the invoice, clicking on ‘More Actions’ – ‘STOP’.

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Recurring invoices allow you to save time, plan ahead, and ensure you always get paid on schedule. They are often the most convenient solution for your regular or subscription customers. Here you’ll find a guide to creating Recurring Invoices and scheduling your cash flow well into the future.

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How can I add a date to the description field while sending a recurring invoice?

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Adding date to the description field

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1) You can add a date to the description field of each item, to specify start and end date of the recurring invoice. To do this, simply go to the item field, and start introducing the necessary placeholders in the ‘Item details’ section.

  • Days are represented with %(d)%, %(day)%, or %(DAY)%, *

  • Months are represented with %(m)%, %(month)%, %(MONTH)% (to depict the month as a word eg: January) or %(mm)% (to depict the month as a number eg: 1)

  • Years are represented with %(y)%, %(year)% or %(YEAR)%,

Note : You can also combine all three date components under a single placeholder too (Eg: %(d)(m)(y)% is a valid command).

2) Mentioning Time frames : Frame your start and end dates in any format using the above variations. The format used to represent days, months and years can be different

Eg: %(d)%,%(M)%,%(Year)% is a valid format even though days are represented with in small letters, months with capitals and years are represented with the word ‘Year’.).

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3) To add or subtract days,months or years, simply use the “+” and “-” keys. Eg: %(d+15)%,%(m+3)%,%(y)% results in 15 days and 3 months being added.

Note : The placeholders functions are very context specific, so please take care with the way they’re used.

Example : To add one month, use ‘%m+1%’ rather than ‘%d+30%’ since the latter would see your date jump from March 1’st to March 31’st (an addition of 30 days) and not April 1’st like required.

4) Delimiters are used in between the date components. The valid delimiters are the comma(,), the hyphen(-), the dot(.) and white space. If none of these delimiters are specified, space is taken as the default delimiter. Three different delimiters can be used while mentioning a date, but not more than one should be used between a pair of date components

Example :-

  • ’%(d)% , %(m)% – %(y)%’ (Two different delimiters comma and hyphen used between the components) – Valid scenario.
  • ’%(d)% ,,%(m)% – %(y)%’ (Delimiters used twice between a pair of date components) – Invalid scenario.

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Different options to create and send recurring invoices

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Follow these steps to customize how and when recurring invoices are sent out.

  • Click on the gear icon on the top right corner and select Preferences from the drop down.
  • Now click on Recurring Invoices, here you can select how you want to handle recurring invoices,

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  • Create Invoices as drafts – Your recurring invoices are only saved as drafts. You can review them, make changes and send them out manually.
  • Create and send invoices – Your recurring invoices are sent out to the customers for payment automatically once they’re created.
  • Create, Charge and send invoices – The customer’s credit card associated with the recurring invoice is charged automatically and invoices are sent out for their reference.

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