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OSS FAQ: All about the One Stop Shop

Q. What is the One Stop Shop? The One Stop Shop (OSS) is an optional quarterly VAT reporting and payment system that’ll be live from July 1, 2021, as part of the EU VAT e-commerce package. This means that you can use the OSS to report and pay VAT on non-domestic B2C...
How do I sort recurring invoices?

How do I sort recurring invoices?

Sort recurring invoices Access Free Invoicing Software   Recurring invoices can be sorted under three categories – ‘active’, ‘expired’, and ‘stopped’. ‘Active’ indicates that the invoices still being sent out to the client once every recurring period...
Different options to create and send recurring invoices

Different options to create and send recurring invoices

Follow these steps to customize how and when recurring invoices are sent out. Click on the gear icon on the top right corner and select Preferences from the drop down. Now click on Recurring Invoices, here you can select how you want to handle recurring invoices,...